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What's shaking at Sandown?

What's new at Sandown? Check out what we've been up to since our last update!

UVic students Amber and Tenaya taking video footage of our manager of stewardship, Matthew talking about the seasonal wetlands.

Since last month there's been lots of activity at Sandown! Forest stewards continue to clear the trees of ivy, community gardeners have begun preparing the soil, farmers have been busy planting seeds in the greenhouse, and so much more! As the weather warms folks want to get outside and feel connected to the land. Read on to find out what we've been up to and don't hesitate to reach out if you want to get involved! There is still some availability both in our community gardens and in our regenerative home gardener course.

Many thanks to Amber and Tenaya, two UVic students from SOSC 300 Working in Community class, who have updated our interactive online map! Check it out by clicking the link below or by heading to the bottom of the homepage on our website.

You can still sign up for the regenerative home gardener course! Contact Steph at

to sign up or for more info.

There is also availability in our raised beds in the community gardens! We recently had a meet and greet with new gardeners where Emily, the new community gardens coordinator introduced herself. Members from ReWood (a volunteer-led initiative that uses salvaged lumber to build infrastructure for community gardens) were also present! Check out the Times Colonist article below that finds nearly half the waste going to the Landfill could be recycled.

Contact Emily at to join the community gardens.
Ella and Ashton of Tiny Flwrs

Our incubator farm program has a new name: The Farmpreneur Program is now The Regenerative Farmer Program! This year we are excited to welcome 5 new farm businesses to the program as 2 left, for a total of 9 farm businesses and 12 farmers at Sandown this year!

Among these new farmers are Brooke Williams who has joined Farm or Die, Ella and Ashton of Tiny Flwrs, Lena and Dan of Regrowth Food & Fibre, Cory and Jax of Testbed Farm, and Ehssan and Hadeel.

On Saturday May 6th, we will be having a plant sale and open house. Join us on site from 10 -3!

There will be an array of plant starts available from herbs and perennials to annual vegetables and flowers.

Come to Sandown and support the farmers, meet the team, and see the site. Hot beverages and snacks will be available.

Jen Rashleigh, Lindsey Boyle, and Steve Duck receiving gifts made by volunteer John Willett, who created these benches out of reclaimed fir from the Sandown stables.

We are grateful for the amazing work of Jen Rashleigh (one of Sandown's founders and the previous Community Engagement Manager) and Steve Duck (Sandown's Business Operations Manager). These two have been integral to Sandown's growth and success since the beginning and we wish them all the best with their future endeavours! Please welcome Stephanie Jacobs as the new Business Operations Manager, and Emily Harris as the new Community Engagement Manager.

Keep an eye out for our Spring newsletter coming soon!

Sandown team members Steph, Emily, Jenn, and Matt after a UVic class presentation

Stay tuned for more updates! Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture

The Sandown Centre is located on the traditional lands of the SENĆOŦEN speaking W̱SĺḴEM (Tseycum) peoples of the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations. We respectfully acknowledge how colonialism disrupted ties between Indigenous peoples' and their traditional food ways and seek to reconcile this through thoughtful, collaborative, and inclusive land care. We are grateful for the Tseycum peoples’ careful stewardship of these lands and waters since time immemorial and to this day.


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The Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture

1810 Glamorgan Rd.

North Saanich, BC

V8L 5S9

​© 2023 Sandown Centre for Regenerative Agriculture

The Sandown Centre is located on the traditional lands of the SENĆOŦEN speaking W̱S͸ḴEM (Tseycum) peoples of the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations. We recognize, with deep humility and respect, the people who stewarded these lands since time immemorial and the devastation caused by colonization.

Regenerative Agriculture draws from the wisdom and environmental connection that is found in Indigenous food systems throughout history and accross the globe. During colonization, farming as we know it, was used to remove Indigenous people from their ancestral lands and disrupt their traditional foodways, causing widespread suffering and loss of life. Integral to regenerative agriculture is food sovereignty, equity, justice, environmental conservation, and the knowledge that we must care for the earth to care for ourselves. We are committed to working in the spirit of these ideals, and strive towards tangible reconciliation work through land restoration, stewardship, education, food and relationship.

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